St. Ann students compete in a variety of sports throughout the school year. The Athletic Association offers boys and girls the opportunity to play basketball, volleyball, golf, track and field, soccer, softball, chess, and baseball! The St. Ann gym is filled with banners from the numerous City/County and State Championships won over the years.

Register For St. Ann Athletics Online

Each season families need to register for sports online.

Getting Registered

You must create a free account with TeamSideline

Please note that the registration fee of $45 is due at the time of registration via credit card payment. Your payment will be refunded if a St. Ann team is not formed for the player(s) registered. Families involved in sports are also asked to work concession stand shifts.

All players interested in playing should register as the St. Ann Athletic Association will make every effort to place players with another parish in the North County District if St. Ann does not have enough players registered to form a team for a specific grade and gender. Teams are sometimes formed by combining grades so all interested players need to register so that we have an accurate count of players when forming teams.


All players, coaches, assistant coaches, and managers need to register ASAP so that we can determine what teams can be formed for these sports seasons.

Safety and Sportsmanship are critical!

All coaches, assistant coaches, and managers must:

Refer to for more information. 

More Information

If you need more information about the St. Ann Athletic Association, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Chris Dulle at (314) 504-7579 or use the form below!

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St. Ann Catholic School is a diverse Christian community devoted to providing a comprehensive curriculum and a learning environment that encourages students to reach their full potential. St. Ann School promotes the mission of the Catholic Church in a loving family atmosphere.


Each person is viewed as a unique individual created in the image and likeness of God, with special gifts to be nurtured and developed.


It is the aim of St. Ann School to achieve excellence in all aspects of the school and to create an environment in which all students are challenged to actualize their potential in a loving atmosphere of discipline and self-control.


St. Ann of Normandy is a Catholic school, which strives to help students know, understand, and live the gospel message of the Catholic Church


St. Ann Catholic School relies on the generous support of our community and alumni. Generations of alumni look fondly on their time at St. Ann and continue to connect and reminisce. You can support St. Ann Catholic School in many ways.