School And Family
School Family
St. Ann Catholic School has long been known as the “Rock of Normandy“. Our community extends beyond the doors of the school and spreads into the parish, the neighborhood and beyond.
For over 50 years the Monsignor Sprenke Soccer Tournament has been bringing together hundreds of alumni, friends and families from far and wide to visit, watch great soccer, and eat delicious bar-b-que.
The annual Fine Arts Night and the 8th-grade play provide great entertainment for school families, parish members and alumni. Fine Arts night offers another opportunity for the families and parishioners to enjoy the amazing talents of the students.
Because we’re a small school, there is a feeling of family within the student body. Each student has a buddy and each classroom has a buddy class. Buddy classes meet at least once per month for special activities. The whole school attends mass together on Wednesday morning. On the other mornings, the student body meets in the gym for prayer. On these days the principal recognizes everyone who has a birthday. After the teachers make announcements the students end the assembly with the Pledge of Allegiance. On Fridays, the 8th grade leads everyone in the school song.
We invite all current and prospective students, his/her parents and the surrounding community to come and experience what it means to be part of the St. Ann Catholic School community. We’re certain that you’ll feel at home and quickly become part of what makes St. Ann Catholic School a truly special place to receive an education.