Uniform PolicyUniform Policy
While we hope that the students of St. Ann Catholic school are identifiable by their virtues, they are most easily recognized by their uniform. The Catholic School uniform has been an icon of quality faith-based education for generations. Our uniform reminds our students that we are a community. As students walk into the classroom, they do so as peers placing all their external differences aside to learn and grow together. The uniform and what it represents challenges students to live up to the standards of our community.
According to Archdiocesan Policy, Students are expected to dress and present an appearance consistent with standards of good taste and appropriate for school and school events. Any dress or wearing of insignia which conveys the image of gang membership supports the beliefs of hate groups, makes sexual innuendos, or promotes drugs, alcohol, or tobacco is inappropriate for school and should not be allowed. It is the responsibility of parents to send their children to school in the proper uniform. The following information serves as a guide. It can be changed or modified, as needed, during the school year as fads and trends develop. St. Ann jumpers and skirts may be purchased new at Fischer’s School Uniforms. Many department, clothing, and general stores (JCPenney, Target, WalMart, Old Navy, Kohl’s) have clothing that adheres to our uniform policy. You may also contact the office regarding used school uniforms or school sweats.