There are 10 members of the Board. Ex-Officio members are the Pastor and the Principal. The remaining members consist of school parents and parishioners each serving a three-year term. Nomination requests generally go out during the spring for the replacement of retiring members. School Board meetings are open to the school and parish community and all parents and parishioners are invited and encouraged to attend the monthly Board meetings on the second Monday of the month during the school year.
The purpose of the Board is to advise the Pastor and Principal in making policy for the Parish Educational Programs.
The following are the advisory functions of the Board:
- Establishing the philosophy and goals of the Educational Programs.
- Interpreting and applying the educational policies of the Archdiocese.
- Formulating additional policies which may be necessary.
- Evaluating the implementation of policies.
- Approving the budget to be recommended to the Finance Committee.
- Recommending to the Pastor the employment of the Principal.
- Long-range planning and community relations.
- Reviewing and evaluating the Constitution of the School Board.

Current members are (as they appear in photo above L to R): Jacob Reft (Principal), Patrick Garrett, Nancy Williams, Father Nick Winker (Parochial Administrator), Mary Nahm (Secretary), Aundrea Norful-Hill, Beth Barrere, Charlie Giraud, Christy Buchek, Ralph Lanton, Francesca Ferrari. Not pictured: Matt Aubuchon (President).