St. Ann School is an investment that lasts a lifetime and beyond. Students receive not only a solid education but the virtues and values needed to live life as a Christian citizens. The tuition charged is well below the actual cost of education. About 30% of school expenses are paid by sources besides tuition and scholarship, primarily donations from St. Ann Parish. Every effort is made to keep tuition affordable.
All registration forms and the first payment are due for current families by March 1st. It is important to us to allow our current students, their siblings, and parishioners to have the first opportunities to enroll for the coming school year.
Please remember that all tuition must be current for re-registration to be considered complete. No educational records will be transferred to another school until all financial obligations have been met.
Click Here to View Tuition for the 2023 – 2024 School Year

There are a variety of scholarships available for St. Ann Catholic School students. All scholarships have a single shared online application. After admission families will be guided through the process. The process is simple and only requires proof of income. Scholarships are open to families of all faiths and families can receive up to $2000 per child. Families with incomes of up to $105,000 a year may be eligible for a scholarship.
48% of families receive a scholarship with an average grant of over $2000!
Many Scholarships, One Application
All of the available scholarships have a single easy-to-fill-out application! Learn more and apply for Scholarships with the Today and Tomorrow Educational Foundation’s easy-to-use website.
Created in 2015, the SOAR! (St. Louis Opportunity and Achievement Realized!) relies on corporate and community giving to provide tuition assistance to income-eligible students of all faiths to attend select Catholic elementary and high schools in the City of St. Louis and North St. Louis County. Elementary school awards renew through the eighth grade, and high school awards renew through the twelfth grade.
Catholic Family Tuition Assistance
The ten million dollar Returning God’s Gifts endowment was established in May 1999. Grants are made on the basis of financial need as determined by the application process. Grants may be used for Catholic children to attend an archdiocesan or parish elementary school or an archdiocesan or parochial high school.
Alive in Christ
The “Alive in Christ!” Scholarship Program is part of Archbishop Robert J. Carlson’s strategic plan for Catholic Education in the Archdiocese of St. Louis. In an effort to promote active recruitment and increased enrollment of children in Catholic elementary schools, the “Alive in Christ!” Scholarship Program seeks to provide financial assistance to those families (both Catholic and Non-Catholic) who wish to offer their children an education at a Catholic elementary school in the archdiocese. Scholarship awards are based upon financial need of the applicant and will be awarded on a first come, first serve basis.
Beyond Sunday
Funded through contributions to the Beyond Sunday campaign, the Beyond Sunday Education Fund Scholarship Program provides tuition assistance to middle-income families seeking a Catholic education for their children. Awards are available to students attending most Catholic elementary and high schools in the Archdiocese of St. Louis. Beyond Sunday is open to students of all faiths, with preference given to Catholic students. Elementary school awards renew through the eighth grade, and high school awards renew through the twelfth grade.